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Rusty Patched Bumblebee Identification

Elaine Evans, UofM Extension/BeeLab

Thursday, April 15th 2021

7-8pm (Zoom link below)

Learn how to find and identify the Minnesota State Bee (and a federally endangered species), the Rusty Patched Bumblebee (and how to distinguish them from the more common Bumblebees in Minneapolis).  This is especially helpful for anyone that has participated in the Lawns to Legumes program designed to develop a richer Bumblebee habitat, and anyone that wants to learn more about Bumble Bees!

Did you know that your Minneapolis garden could be supporting an endangered species? We need your help tracking populations of the endangered rusty patched bumble bee. Learn to identify the rusty patched and other common bumble bees as well as help inform research and recovery by participating in public monitoring efforts. We will also share other actions you can take to help the rusty patched and other pollinators.


Elaine Evans is a University of Minnesota Extension Educator and Bee Researcher working on pollinator education and research relating to bee conservation. She completed her M.S. and Ph.D. in Entomology at the University of Minnesota. Her current work focuses on enacting pollinator conservation through research, education, outreach, and public participation in science.

Elaine Evans, PhD
Extension Educator and Bee Researcher
University of Minnesota
Department of Entomology


Elaine is generously volunteering her expertise for this presentation.  If you are able, donations to the UofM BeeLab are always welcome to support ongoing research and outreach:


Hosted by the Longfellow Community Wildlife Habitat Project (

Event link (open to the first 100 people): 

April 15, 2021     7:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 0554 8390

Passcode: 424185 


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